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Why You Should Always Travel With a 4×4 Recovery Kit

Why You Should Always Travel With a 4×4 Recovery Kit

We are no strangers to getting stuck. We’re sure you’ve been there too. Whether you’ve simply been a passenger along for the experience, or the one standing knee deep in mud trying to free your vehicle, you might know a thing or two about how frustrating it can be. Luckily, gear technology has made it less of a mission and has proven that even the most stuckable vehicles can become unstuck! 

With the rainy season currently upon us, now is the perfect time to know all there is about prepping your car for an offroad adventure in tricky terrain. The 4×4 recovery kit is the answer you are looking for! You can venture into the unknown without one, but that would be unwise. 

In fact, these days, it’s close to impossible to pick up a four-wheel-drive publication without reading somewhere that safety and recovery equipment should be on the top of your list, even before your first tank of fuel. Being able to recover safely and rapidly should be prioritized over all other aspects of off-roading. 

Though this sounds great, we’ve hardly ever been taught what should be included in a recovery kit and why it’s important, let alone how to recognize or use the various components. 

If you’re here, you probably need answers to these questions. So, buckle up and sit tight. We’ve got you covered.

Why is a 4×4 recovery kit important? 

Regardless of your style of off-roading, chances are you’ll find yourself stuck at some point. It’s important in such instances to know how to get your vehicle free whilst keeping yourself safe and this requires using heavy-duty recovery equipment that can hold under immense pressure. 

Using shabby or damaged gear puts not only your vehicle in jeopardy, but also your life. That’s why it’s considered wise to have tools and appliances that can perform at their best. Any dangerous item of gear should be replaced as soon as possible.

Perform a thorough gear check before embarking on your adventure. Separate your worn out tools from those that are currently in good condition and test them on your vehicle before going anywhere terraneous.

When purchasing off-road equipment, the first important consideration should be safety. Only purchase equipment that comes with a lifetime replacement guarantee. It indicates that the equipment is of high quality and can survive the wear and tear associated with car recovery.

4×4 Recovery Kit Essentials

Tow Strap 

Instead of simply ‘recovering’ a car, a tow strap is meant to tow cars across short distances. This is perfect if you want to move a vehicle from the bush to the main road where it can be safely picked up by a tow truck.

Snatch Strap 

In almost all cases, the snatch strap should be your go-to recovery gear. 

The nylon webbing of this strap absorbs the impact of powerful pulls, while elastic rebound energy assists in vehicle-to-vehicle recoveries. These ropes are designed to “pop” a trapped car out of whatever it is caught in, and they are extremely effective at doing that. It is however important to know the correct way to use one of these because as effective as they are at saving the day, they are equally as effective in causing immense damage if not used appropriately. Pay attention to the wear of your strap as they are only good for a few vehicle recoveries before you need a new one. 

Snatch Block 

4×4 recovery kit

The snatch block is another essential in a recovery kit. Although the name might suggest otherwise, a snatch block actually has nothing to do with snatch recovery and is instead a valuable winching gear. Not only can it be used to maximise your winching power in necessary situations, but it can also be used to divert a winch line. With enough line and a couple of snatch blocks, you can even winch yourself out of a hole backwards, or sideways if the situation calls for it. 


4×4 recovery kit

These shackles are great due to their constructive design that allows for wider straps and multi-directional weight resistance. They make an excellent life jacket in recovery situations that rapidly go south. They also make it easy for you to swop between various rigging configurations very quickly. Just make sure that you don’t buy any old D-shackle on the market as things can end disastrously if you don’t have top rated equipment.  


4×4 recovery kit

Our final component of the recovery kit is often the most overlooked one, even though it makes life incredibly easier in recovery situations. Recovering a car can be taxing on the hands, especially if the driver needs to shovel out a lot of mud, twigs, and other debris. Recovery gloves are made with strong, sturdy material with leather palms for gripping and water resistance for the greatest protection. 


When off-roading, safety should always come first. Having a comprehensive 4×4 recovery kit on hand can assist you in avoiding unexpected catastrophes. You’ll also be able to execute recoveries more efficiently.

Whether you’re going off-roading alone or with a large group, being prepared for vehicle recovery should be priority. Hopefully, this information will assist you in deciding the items you’ll need on your journey to tackle all of the off-roading obstacles!
