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The Benefits Of Installing A Snorkel On Your 4X4

The Benefits Of Installing A Snorkel On Your 4X4

We’ve all seen 4x4s with amazing accessories such as wide, all-terrain tyres, stone deflectors, side cladding, and other accessories that make the vehicle look more rugged. But what about those exhaust-can-like pipes that run alongside the bonnet?

That’s a vehicle snorkel, and it has a purpose other than making an off-roader look that much more intimidating. A snorkel, as the name implies, allows a vehicle to ‘breathe’ while crossing water or traversing sandy paths.

This is why hardcore offroaders who like to take their 4x4s on incredibly difficult terrain frequently choose it as one of their favoured vehicle upgrades. Even if you’re not that interested in testing your fate on dangerous terrain, many people do it solely on the basis of “it looks good”. Which if we’re being honest, is as good a reason as any! 

But, on a more practical level, 4×4 snorkels can help keep a car’s engine from seizing while wading through water or driving over sand dunes. Let’s take a closer look at how a car snorkel operates. 

How does a vehicle snorkel work?

This isn’t the snorkel you take with you to scout the local sea life of the warm Durban waters. A 4×4 snorkel is a 4×4 engine conversion kit that raises the air intake to prevent dangerous materials from entering the engine’s air cleaning system.

Fuel is burned in a car’s engine using air, which is delivered into the chamber through the air filter at the front of the vehicle. However, if water gets into the air intake and makes its way to the engine block, it could cause severe damage to the car. Using your car on a sandy surface can also clog the air filter, preventing air from reaching the engine and resulting in a loss of power. 

Snorkels are made to feed the engine the cleanest air possible while also separating water from the intake and removing it from the air stream. This implies that a snorkel will allow your 4×4 to successfully wade through water when torrential rains bring elevated water levels. 

Why it’s so great 

Increased engine performance and efficiency 

Because of its high position, a snorkel may increase engine performance on or off the road by taking in cooler, cleaner, and uncontaminated air. As your car moves, the air taken in near the engine area is hot and contains particles of dirt, oil, and dust. This means you’ll have greater power and performance when you need it most.

Prevents dust from clogging the engine

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is used by humans to protect themselves from breathing dust and dirt particles. You can surely imagine what dust would do to the interior of your beloved 4×4 in a combustion engine that demands a combination of oxygen and fuel. A snorkel is essentially personal protective equipment for your car. 

Increased fuel efficiency

Dust, water, and other microparticles are kept out of your engine with the use of a snorkel. There are a variety of types that are appropriate for every situation. The snorkel, when installed at roof height, can suck in cleaner, cooler air, increasing fuel efficiency while keeping your air filters clean.

Reduced maintenance

Cleaner air filters imply less wear and tear on the system, as well as less maintenance.

A snorkel is the finest method to get the cleanest and purest air into your engine, whether you’re on the road or off. Even if you’re not crossing rivers or fighting high tides, a snorkel can assist you to increase performance and fuel economy in severe rain or dusty conditions.

Take the plunge 

Snorkels are one of the most effective methods to extend the life, efficiency, and health of your 4×4, and they also look great. There is something undeniably intimidating and impressive about a 4×4 sporting a snorkel kit. And once you’ve been there, you’re unlikely to want to go back!

For all your recreational and commercial needs, we have got you covered with a wide range of air intake snorkels perfect for your vehicle. Pop into our branch to have a squizz through your options. If you’re interested but are unsure of where to begin, contact us and we can fill you in on all the types of snorkels heads and materials you can choose from.

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